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Front panel cable for Supermicro SC512L chassis to a Via EPIA M10000 motherboard

The Supermicro chassis comes with a 16 way straight through cable from the front panel to the motherboard. The layout for this is not pin for pin compatible with a EPIA M10000 motherboard. This document describes a hand made replacement cable.

 The Supermicro SC512L chassis comes with a front panel with a FP512 v3.0 front panel board.

Supermicro FP512 REV3.00 Front Panel PCB

Supermicro FP512 REV3.00 Front Panel PCB (back)

This board provides:

  • a power button
  • a reset button
  • a power LED
  • a disk activity LED
  • two NIC LEDS
  • a fault LED

The EPIA M10000 motherboard can directly utilise the power/reset buttons, the power LED, and the disk activity LED. I chose to wire the 'stand-by' LED functionality onto the fault LED. The EPIA motherboard provides no headers for driving NIC LED's. Both NIC LEDS are not used.


Construct the cable using a short length of ribbon cable and two 16 pin IDC headers (with strain relief).


Signal function Supermicro FP512
Front Panel PCB pin
EPIA M10000
fp_panel header pin
Power switch
1 6
Power switch (Ground)
2 8
Reset switch
3 10
Reset switch (Ground)
 4 12
Standby LED
 7 14
Standby LED
 8 16
13 2
14 4
Power LED
15 3
Power LED
16 5


The completed cable:

Supermicro SC512L chassis to EPIA M10000 front panel cable




 EPIA M10000 header pins

EPIA M10000 front panel header pins

SC512L front panel header pins

Note: The FP512 REV 3.0 PCB assembly supports two NIC LEDS. The second NIC uses the pins 9 and 10, which are marked as 'x' in the diagram below.

SC512L front panel header pins











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