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YouTrack v6.x on CentOS v7.0 as a WAR install

Note: Jetbrains now support '.jar' and '.zip' distributions - '.war' distributions are not supported.

Install JetBrains YouTrack on a CentOS 7.0 VM. Use the distribution OpenJDK and Tomcat v7.x to host YouTrack v6.x.



  • a minimal CentOS 7.x VM installation
  • 1 GB RAM
  • disk capacity for the 'youtrack' (tomcat) user to store the database



Install tomcat, which will pull in the openjdk.

# yum install tomcat


The YouTrack will server will store it's data in the home directory of the identity it runs under. Since it is running in the tomcat server this will be in the '/usr/share/tomcat' directory.

Add an entry to /etc/fstab to mount the filesystem in the ~tomcat directory. Note: The maximum length of the ext4 label is truncated at 16 characters.

LABEL=/usr/share/tomca /usr/share/tomcat ext4  defaults        0 0

Format the device used for the data. Copy the previous contents of the tomcat directory onto the new device and mount it (before tomcat is started)

# mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdc1 -L '/usr/share/tomcat'
# mkdir /tmp/tc
# mount /dev/xvdc1 /tmp/tc
# mv -v /usr/share/tomcat/* /tmp/tc/
# umount /tmp/tc
# mount -a


Download and copy the distribution WAR to /usr/share/tomcat/webapps as the root application.

# mkdir /usr/share/tomcat/teamsysdata
# chown tomcat.tomcat /usr/share/tomcat/teamsysdata
# mv youtrack-eap60-10923.war /usr/share/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war


Allow connections via ipv4 and ipv6

  1. in to port 8080 from the Nginx reverse proxy
  2. out to xmpp-client on port 5222
-A tcpIn -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT
-A tcpOut -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5222 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT


# systemctl enable tomcat.service
# systemctl start tomcat.service

The youtrack server startup can be monitored from the log file

# tail -f /var/log/tomcat/youtrack.log

Web site

Use a browser to view the web site and accept the license agreement & fill in the setup details:

Youtrack 2014-08-24_194341.png

The issue tracker is ready to go:

YouTrack 2014-08-24_194505.png





# JetBrains YouTrack server
# All http traffic is redirected to https.
server {
    listen [::]:80;
    location / {
        # redirect to secure page [permanent | redirect]
        rewrite ^$request_uri? permanent;

server {
    listen               [::]:443;
    keepalive_timeout    70;

    ssl                  on;
    ssl_certificate      certs/;
    ssl_certificate_key  certs/;

    access_log           /var/log/nginx/  main;

    location / {
        proxy_pass    ;
        proxy_set_header        Host            $host;
        proxy_set_header        X-Real-IP       $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        client_max_body_size 10M;


# yum install tomcat

 Package                        Arch      Version                       Repository  Size
 tomcat                         noarch    7.0.42-8.el7_0                updates     84 k
Installing for dependencies:
 apache-commons-collections     noarch    3.2.1-21.el7                  base       506 k
 apache-commons-daemon          x86_64    1.0.13-6.el7                  base        54 k
 apache-commons-dbcp            noarch    1.4-17.el7                    base       167 k
 apache-commons-logging         noarch    1.1.2-7.el7                   base        78 k
 apache-commons-pool            noarch    1.6-9.el7                     base       113 k
 atk                            x86_64    2.8.0-4.el7                   base       233 k
 avalon-framework               noarch    4.3-10.el7                    base        88 k
 avalon-logkit                  noarch    2.1-14.el7                    base        87 k
 cairo                          x86_64    1.12.14-6.el7                 base       697 k
 cups-libs                      x86_64    1:1.6.3-14.el7                base       352 k
 ecj                            x86_64    1:4.2.1-8.el7                 base       1.4 M
 flac-libs                      x86_64    1.3.0-4.el7                   base       169 k
 fontconfig                     x86_64    2.10.95-7.el7                 base       228 k
 fontpackages-filesystem        noarch    1.44-8.el7                    base       9.9 k
 gdk-pixbuf2                    x86_64    2.28.2-4.el7                  base       533 k
 geronimo-jms                   noarch    1.1.1-19.el7                  base        31 k
 geronimo-jta                   noarch    1.1.1-17.el7                  base        20 k
 giflib                         x86_64    4.1.6-9.el7                   base        40 k
 graphite2                      x86_64    1.2.2-5.el7                   base        81 k
 gsm                            x86_64    1.0.13-11.el7                 base        30 k
 gtk2                           x86_64    2.24.22-5.el7                 base       3.4 M
 harfbuzz                       x86_64    0.9.20-3.el7                  base       144 k
 hicolor-icon-theme             noarch    0.12-7.el7                    base        42 k
 jasper-libs                    x86_64    1.900.1-26.el7                base       147 k
 java-1.7.0-openjdk             x86_64    1:      updates    196 k
 java-1.7.0-openjdk-headless    x86_64    1:      updates     25 M
 javamail                       noarch    1.4.6-8.el7                   base       758 k
 javapackages-tools             noarch    3.4.1-6.el7_0                 updates     72 k
 jbigkit-libs                   x86_64    2.0-11.el7                    base        46 k
 lcms2                          x86_64    2.5-4.el7                     base       133 k
 libICE                         x86_64    1.0.8-7.el7                   base        63 k
 libSM                          x86_64    1.2.1-7.el7                   base        38 k
 libX11                         x86_64    1.6.0-2.1.el7                 base       605 k
 libX11-common                  noarch    1.6.0-2.1.el7                 base       181 k
 libXau                         x86_64    1.0.8-2.1.el7                 base        29 k
 libXcomposite                  x86_64    0.4.4-4.1.el7                 base        22 k
 libXcursor                     x86_64    1.1.14-2.1.el7                base        30 k
 libXdamage                     x86_64    1.1.4-4.1.el7                 base        20 k
 libXext                        x86_64    1.3.2-2.1.el7                 base        38 k
 libXfixes                      x86_64    5.0.1-2.1.el7                 base        18 k
 libXfont                       x86_64    1.4.7-1.1.el7                 base       143 k
 libXft                         x86_64    2.3.1-5.1.el7                 base        57 k
 libXi                          x86_64    1.7.2-2.1.el7                 base        39 k
 libXinerama                    x86_64    1.1.3-2.1.el7                 base        14 k
 libXrandr                      x86_64    1.4.1-2.1.el7                 base        25 k
 libXrender                     x86_64    0.9.8-2.1.el7                 base        25 k
 libXtst                        x86_64    1.2.2-2.1.el7                 base        20 k
 libXxf86vm                     x86_64    1.1.3-2.1.el7                 base        17 k
 libasyncns                     x86_64    0.8-7.el7                     base        26 k
 libfontenc                     x86_64    1.1.1-5.el7                   base        29 k
 libjpeg-turbo                  x86_64    1.2.90-5.el7                  base       134 k
 libogg                         x86_64    2:1.3.0-7.el7                 base        24 k
 libpng                         x86_64    2:1.5.13-5.el7                base       212 k
 libsndfile                     x86_64    1.0.25-9.el7                  base       149 k
 libthai                        x86_64    0.1.14-9.el7                  base       187 k
 libtiff                        x86_64    4.0.3-14.el7                  base       167 k
 libvorbis                      x86_64    1:1.3.3-8.el7                 base       204 k
 libxcb                         x86_64    1.9-5.el7                     base       169 k
 libxslt                        x86_64    1.1.28-5.el7                  base       242 k
 log4j                          noarch    1.2.17-15.el7                 base       443 k
 mesa-libEGL                    x86_64    9.2.5-5.20131218.el7          base        69 k
 mesa-libGL                     x86_64    9.2.5-5.20131218.el7          base       142 k
 mesa-libgbm                    x86_64    9.2.5-5.20131218.el7          base        29 k
 mesa-libglapi                  x86_64    9.2.5-5.20131218.el7          base        34 k
 pango                          x86_64    1.34.1-5.el7                  base       283 k
 pixman                         x86_64    0.32.4-3.el7                  base       254 k
 pulseaudio-libs                x86_64    3.0-22.el7                    base       555 k
 python-javapackages            noarch    3.4.1-6.el7_0                 updates     31 k
 python-lxml                    x86_64    3.2.1-4.el7                   base       758 k
 tomcat-el-2.2-api              noarch    7.0.42-8.el7_0                updates     68 k
 tomcat-jsp-2.2-api             noarch    7.0.42-8.el7_0                updates     91 k
 tomcat-lib                     noarch    7.0.42-8.el7_0                updates    3.5 M
 tomcat-servlet-3.0-api         noarch    7.0.42-8.el7_0                updates    188 k
 ttmkfdir                       x86_64    3.0.9-41.el7                  base        47 k
 tzdata-java                    noarch    2014e-1.el7_0                 updates    148 k
 xalan-j2                       noarch    2.7.1-23.el7                  base       1.9 M
 xerces-j2                      noarch    2.11.0-16.el7                 base       1.1 M
 xml-commons-apis               noarch    1.4.01-16.el7                 base       227 k
 xml-commons-resolver           noarch    1.2-15.el7                    base       108 k
 xorg-x11-font-utils            x86_64    1:7.5-18.1.el7                base        87 k
 xorg-x11-fonts-Type1           noarch    7.5-9.el7                     base       521 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package (+81 Dependent packages)

Total download size: 48 M
Installed size: 146 M



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