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Creating a DJB Tiny DNS primary/secondary server

Historically I have created DNS servers, where all the authoritative data is from a single source. This document describes a script/procedure for collecting data from multiple sources. Previous I had used to act as a secondary, but this isn't working for me.

This script will support running a DJB TinyDNS server with a combination of primary and secondary (backup) DNS zones. This script will support one or more primary zone data files, and zero or more secondary domain names.

Each secondary zone is queried for it's serial number using a standard UDP based query, and this is compared against the serial number being provided by the local server. Only if it is not the current version is an AXFR zone transfer attempted. Once all zones have been refreshed, a master zone file is collated. If the master zone file has changed, a new version is compiled into the TinyDNS database file.

The following filesystem structure is assumed. This is the same as a standard DJB TinyDNS structure with the addition of a directory to store authoritative data for the primary zones, and a directory to store the current copy of the secondary zone data.

+- TinyDNS
  +- env
  |  +- IP
  +- root
    +- primary.d
    |  +-
    |  +- ...
    +- secondary.d
    |  +-
    |  +- zone.cache
    |  +- ...
    +- data
    +- data.cdb
    +- Makefile

The 'data' file in the root directory should be considered machine generated, and should not be edited.  This means the old scripts that were provided to add entries to this file should not be used (as the changes will be lost). The files in the primary.d should be edited. They are the master versions of the zones.

The list of secondary zones is provided as a list of pairs of zone name and primary server address.

Setup a cron job to perform periodic updates. This is the file '/etc/cron.d/refreshzones':

# Cron job to update DJB TinyDNS data for secondary DNS zones

*/20 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/refreshzones --tinydnsdir /var/djbdns/tinydns-external --zones "$ZONES" 

 Add the following script to '/usr/local/bin/refreshzones':

# $Id: refreshzones 28 2008-05-04 15:08:08Z greg $
# A script to support multiple primary and secondary
# domains. This works with a standard TinyDNS directory
# structure. Any exisiting  'data' file MUST be moved
# into the primary.d directory (or it will be lost).
# Place primary domain 'data' files into the primary.d
# directory, with an extensions of '.data'. These files
# must be manually edited.
# Domains for which the TinyDNS server will act as a
# secondary via AXFR, will automatically be transfered
# into the secondary.d directory.
# Prior to performing any zone transfers, the script will query the master
# nameserver for the zone for a serial (from the SOA record). If the serial
# is the same (and valid) then the zone transfer is not performed. This means
# that the zone transfers will only occur when a zones changes (keeping thw
# whole process light weight.
#  +- /service/tinydns
#    +- log
#    +- env
#    +- root
#      + Makefile
#      + data
#      + data.cdb
#      + primary.d
#      | +-
#      | +-
#      | +-
#      | +- ...
#      + secondary.d
#        +-
#        +-
#        +-
#        +- ...
# The primary zone files SHOULD have a SOA record ('Z') with the serial number
# field ('ser') empty. This script will replace the serial number with the
# date of the primary file.
#  e.g. ''
# see

# Configure the zones here, or on the command line

# My DNS server to query. This is the server that we query prior to performing
# a zone transfer to check if we have the current zone data.

# The location of the TinyDNS service.

set -e

# Parse switches
while [ "$1" != "${1##-}" ] ; do # loop over options
    case $1 in




                echo "Usage: $0 [-v] [-h] [--zones domain,primary:domain,primary:...] [--server hostname] [--tinydnsdir dir]"
                exit 1;

                echo "Warning: Unknown option $1"
                exit 10;


# Check things are sane and where we expected
if [ ! -d "${TINYDNS_DIR}" ] ; then
  echo "Tiny DNS directory ${TINYDNS_DIR} not found"
  exit 1;
[ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo "Using TinyDNS directory ${TINYDNS_DIR}"

if [ ! -f "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/Makefile" ] ; then
  echo "Makefile not present in the TinyDNS directory ${TINYDNS_DIR}/root"
  exit 1;

# If 'my' server isn't set, then take the first non-comment, non-blank line
# from the IP file as the address of 'my' server.
if [ ! -n "${ME}" ] ; then
  ME="`egrep --invert-match '^ *(#|$)' ${TINYDNS_DIR}/env/IP | head -n 1`"

if [ ! -n "${ME}" ] ; then
  echo "The address of this name server is not defined"
  exit 1;
[ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo "Using TinyDNS server ${ME}"

if [ ! -n "${SECONDARY_ZONES}" ] ; then
  echo "No secondary zones defined"
  exit 1;

# Create directories (if they don't exist) to store primary
# and secondary dns zone data.
[ -d "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/primary.d"   ] || mkdir -p "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/primary.d"
[ -d "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/secondary.d" ] || mkdir -p "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/secondary.d"

#  For each of the secondary zones in the configuration
[ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo "Using zones ${SECONDARY_ZONES}"
for ZONE in `echo "$SECONDARY_ZONES" | sed -e "s/:/ /g"` ; do

  [ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo "Check domain ${DOMAIN} at ${PRIMARY}"

  # Read the serial number from the primary server and our server
  DOMAIN_SOA=$( (/usr/bin/dig ${DOMAIN} soa +short @${PRIMARY} | /bin/awk '{ print $3 }' | egrep "^[0-9]+$" ) || echo "" )
  MY_SOA=$( (/usr/bin/dig ${DOMAIN} soa +short @${ME} | /bin/awk '{ print $3 }' |  egrep "^[0-9]+$" ) || echo "" )
  [ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo "  Domain ${DOMAIN} SOA is ${DOMAIN_SOA} (Current is ${MY_SOA})"

  # Check if we have the latest serial
  if [ -n "${DOMAIN_SOA}" -a -n "${MY_SOA}" -a "${DOMAIN_SOA}" == "${MY_SOA}" ] ; then

    # We have the latest serial number, so we don't need to perform an AXFR
    # operation to get the entire zone.
    [ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo "  Domain ${DOMAIN} is up to date (SOA is ${MY_SOA})" ;


    [ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo "  Fetching zone data for ${DOMAIN} from ${PRIMARY}"

    # Attempt to:
    #   - transfer the zone info
    #   - remove duplicate entries from the data
    #   - remove entries that aren't for the domain
    #   - finally, move it to be the 'cuurent' zone information
    ( tcpclient -R -T 5+15 ${PRIMARY} 53 \
        axfr-get ${DOMAIN} \
          "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/secondary.d/${DOMAIN}.cache" \
          "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/secondary.d/${DOMAIN}.cache.tmp" ) && \
      sort -ur < "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/secondary.d/${DOMAIN}.cache" | \
        egrep "^.[^:]*${DOMAIN}:" > "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/secondary.d/.${DOMAIN}.data.tmp" && \
      mv "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/secondary.d/.${DOMAIN}.data.tmp" \


#  Concatenate all the primary and secondary zone files together
[ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo "Primary zones:"
rm -f "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/.data.tmp"
for PRIMARY in "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/primary.d"/*.data ; do
  STAMP="`ls  --time-style=+%s -G  -o -g  $PRIMARY | /bin/awk '{ print $4 }'`"
  [ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo "  ${PRIMARY} serial ${STAMP}"
  echo "# Primary zone file $PRIMARY with timestamp of $STAMP" >> "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/.data.tmp"
  /bin/sed -r -e  "s/^(Z[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*)::(.*)$/\1:${STAMP}:\2/g" < $PRIMARY >> "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/.data.tmp"
cat "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/secondary.d"/*.data >> "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/.data.tmp"

# If the master 'data' file is not present, or is different to the one
# generated above, then use the new data from the concantenated zone
# files, and compile it into a database.
if [ ! -f "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/data" ] || \
  ! ( /usr/bin/diff -q "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/.data.tmp" "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/data" > /dev/null ) ; then

  [ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo "Building new TinyDNS database"
  mv "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/.data.tmp" "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root/data"
  if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ] ; then
    make -C "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root"
    make -C "${TINYDNS_DIR}/root" > /dev/null
  [ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo "No changes to zone data"

[ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo "Done"


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