CentOS 5.x as a MythTV frontend
- Notes about install CentOS v5.2 as a MythTV frontend from 2008 (very very old)
Microsoft Remote Control and Receiver 1.0A for Media Center PC with Windows (Model 1040)
- USB remote control for use with MythTV
Mythtvsetup v0.21 crashes during channel scan
Fedora 12 x86_64 MythTV v0.22 Backend Server
- An as-built document for a Fedora 12 MythTV backend server.
MythTV v0.22 Frontend on Centos 5.x, missing dependency
- Howto workaround the missing dependency
Setting MythTV v0.24 VDPAU Custom Filters
Fedora 15 as a MythTV v0.24.1 Frontend
OpsView/Nagios monitoring of MythTV
Onyx, a CentOS 6.x MySQL Server for MythTV
- Created a dedecated MySQL server for use by MythTV backend and frontends
MythTV v0.27 on CentOS v6.4
MythTV 0.27 on CentOS 6.x Install Log
MythWeb 0.27 on Nginx 1.4.x on CentOS 6.x
MythTV 0.27 Frontend on CentOS v6.4
Onyx, a CentOS 7.x MySQL Server for MythTV
Install MythTV Frontend v27.5 on Centos v7.1 (scrpms)
Configure LIRC v0.9.1a on CentOS v7.1 for MythTV v27.5 with a Microsoft MCE remote control
MythTV v0.27.5 CEC Support with Pulse-Eight USB-CEC Adapter on CentOS v7.1
SCRPMS NVidia Driver error on CentOS 7