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Setting MythTV v0.24 VDPAU Custom Filters

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The MythTV Wiki provides information about setting the VDPAU custom filters. This captures some of the context around this. I am using a nVidia 'GeForce GT 220' card with the 'VDPAU High Quality' profile.

To query the database for the filter settings the following SQL can be used. It is important to note that the 'name' and 'hostname' values in the SQL query should be changed to match your environment.

  DP.profileid, DP.value,
FROM displayprofiles AS DP 
  JOIN displayprofilegroups AS DPG 
  ON DP.profilegroupid = DPG.profilegroupid 
WHERE = 'VDPAU High Quality' 
  AND DPG.hostname = '';



mysql> SELECT
    ->   DP.profileid, DP.value,
    -> FROM displayprofiles AS DP
    ->   JOIN displayprofilegroups AS DPG
    ->   ON DP.profilegroupid = DPG.profilegroupid
    -> WHERE
    -> = 'VDPAU High Quality'
    ->   AND DPG.hostname = '';
| profileid | value              | data                                                   |
|        77 | pref_priority      | 1                                                      |
|        77 | pref_cmp0          | > 0 0                                                  |
|        77 | pref_decoder       | vdpau                                                  |
|        77 | pref_max_cpus      | 1                                                      |
|        77 | pref_skiploop      | 1                                                      |
|        77 | pref_videorenderer | vdpau                                                  |
|        77 | pref_osdrenderer   | vdpau                                                  |
|        77 | pref_osdfade       | 1                                                      |
|        77 | pref_deint0        | vdpauadvanceddoublerate                                |
|        77 | pref_deint1        | vdpauadvanced                                          |
|        77 | pref_filters       | vdpaucolorspace=auto,vdpaubuffersize=48,vdpauhqscaling |
|        77 | pref_cmp1          |                                                        |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


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